Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson stated last year that his state can build factories faster than Pennsylvania has process the permits. During a recent House Republican Policy Committee hearing on permitting, state Rep. Jim Rigby (R-Cambria/Somerset) asked PA Chamber of Business and Industry Director Kevin Sunday for examples of state's which process permits faster.
Rep. Rigby's Reaction to Gov. Shapiro's Budget Address
March 07, 2023
The 2023-24 fiscal year spending plan proposed Tuesday by Gov. Josh Shapiro is drawing mixed feelings from state Rep. Jim Rigby.
Rigby Explores Funding Options for Local EMS Providers
March 01, 2022
During a March 1, House committee meeting on Pennsylvania's EMS crisis, state Rep. Jim Rigby (R-Johnstown) discussed possible dedicated funding streams that would help emergency responders.
Rigby Expresses Concern For EMS Reimbursement Crisis
March 01, 2022
On March 1, the House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee hosted a public hearing on Pennsylvania’s EMS crisis. During questioning, state Rep. Jim Rigby (R-Johnstown) asked PA Department of Health Bureau of EMS Acting Director Aaron Rhone about some of the challenges faced by emergency responders in the 71st Legislative District.
Bishop/Guilfoyle Girls Basketball Gets Recognized
May 25, 2021
House Members honor the Bishop/Guilfoyle Girls Basketball team.
Fire Safety and Prevention
October 19, 2020
Representative Jim Rigby offers House Resolution 1039, recognizing October as Fire Safety and Prevention Month and House Bill 2825, which dedicates a bridge in Cambria County as the Fire Fighter's Memorial Bridge.
Let Our Student Athletes Play
August 11, 2020
Rep. Jim Rigby participates in a press conference unveiling two pieces of legislation that will impact sports, extracurricular activities and educational opportunities for students during the upcoming 2020-21 school year.
Rigby Discusses Moving the Primary, Other COVID-19 Issues in PA
March 24, 2020
State Rep. Jim Rigby (R-Johnstown) was asked about the process being made in moving the April 28 Primary Election dude to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rep. Rigby Interview on Minimum Wage
February 03, 2020
In advance of Gov. Tom Wolf’s Feb. 4 budget address, state Rep. Jim Rigby (R-Johnstown) offered his thoughts on the governor’s already-announced proposal to raise Pennsylvania’s minimum wage.
Rep. Rigby Human Trafficking Post Press Event Package
January 24, 2020
Rep. Jim Rigby joined fellow lawmakers in voting for more than a half dozen measures to combat the scourge of human trafficking in our Commonwealth. He also joined a press conference raising awareness of the issue. Please take a moment to watch the video and learn more about how you can help.
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