Rigby Announces Infrastructure Award for Windber

July 17, 2024

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Jim Rigby (R-Cambria/Somerset) is pleased to announce a more than $14 million Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) award being presented to the Windber Area Authority for use in improving its wastewater treatment process.

“Give credit to members of the authority for expressing a need in their community,” Rigby said. “I was more than happy to go to bat for them in presenting this to the PENNVEST board of directors for consideration, and happy to see the request was approved.”

The money, in the form of a $6 million loan and $8.5 million grant, will be used to build a new Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion System, including two reactor basins, a biofilter basin with scrubber, an equipment building with pumps, blowers, a drum thickener, all associated piping, as well as site work necessary to integrate the new facilities with the existing wastewater treatment plant.

PENNVEST serves the communities and citizens of Pennsylvania by funding sewer, storm water and drinking water projects in the form of low-interest loans and supplemental grants to local municipalities.

Rigby represents the 71st Legislative District, which includes the Somerset County boroughs of Windber and Paint and the townships of Ogle and Paint. Questions about this or any legislative issue should be directed to his Somerset County office at 1-814-509-6942, or his Cambria County offices in Cresson at 814-886-1055 or Ferndale at 814-536-9818.

Representative Jim Rigby
71st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott B. Little
717.260.6137 (office), 717.497.5967 (cell)
RepJimRigby.com / Facebook.com/RepJimRigby

***EDITORS – this is a corrected version of a previously-distributed news release. The correctio is underlined and emboldened.***

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